
How to Shape Emotionally Strong Boys?

Compared to girls, boys have different ways in expressing their feelings. As they reach adolescence years, boys tend to try to prove their masculinity. This can be a challenging time for many boys, as they seek to prove themselves. Parents need to nurture their boys and protect their emotional conditions. As boys finally reach adulthood,…

Compared to girls, boys have different ways in expressing their feelings. As they reach adolescence years, boys tend to try to prove their masculinity. This can be a challenging time for many boys, as they seek to prove themselves. Parents need to nurture their boys and protect their emotional conditions. As boys finally reach adulthood, they could become successful, intelligent and caring men. Parents need to be aware of the full range emotions that children have. Parents should work hard to develop the emotional vocabulary of their boys. Boys should be aware of their situations and potential social challenges. They need to take into account various challenges and improve their situations. Parents could also share their experience when they were teenagers as well.

Parents should accept and recognize that boys are often very active. They need to prepare a proper channel for boys to express their feelings. Parents need to prepare boys to become responsible adults. Boys won’t get along with adults who can’t tolerate their high physical and emotional energy. It is a bad condition, if boys are shamed and blamed for their exuberance. Parents need to talk to boys according to their language. Parents need to become problem solvers and consultants. If boys are mis-educated, they may not reach their full potentials or even go to the wrong direction. Boys should be honoured for their strength, although communicating with boys can be difficult. No matter how difficult it is, directing boys isn’t impossible.

However, conversation can be impossible if parents are suspicious, contemptuous and angry of their own children. Instead of being judgmental, parents should do things and speak in consultative manner. Often, boys are upset of various situations in their lives, but parents should be able to calm them down from a tantrum. Boys must be taught on how to manage anger and sadness. Regardless of their tough and confident appearance, boys can be actually frightened. If smaller boys often kick, bite and hit, parents should get down to their level, while calmly remind them that people will eventually do the same thing to them. Boys are typically more logical than girls, so we reasonable arguments, parents should be able to convince boys to do the right things.

Due to the significant external threats, it is a good idea to have regular brainstorming session to establish proper perspectives. As an example, boys should be given verbal skills to solve problems in a non violent way. Smaller boys love to pretend and play. So, you should role play a likely situation that boys will face in their social lives. So, when troubles are brewing, boys will understand what to do and they will become emotionally tougher. They will expect that troubles are inevitable and eager to face them in the most appropriate manner. Parents should also show emotional toughness in their daily lives. So, when boys are doing something, they can relate their behaviors to good things that their parents normally do. So, it is clear that parents are influential in making children emotionally strong.

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