

They say the foundation has to be good for the building to stand on it. Like every school, law school has its own ups and down. Pursuing a law degree can seem to be the hardest time in your life since there’s so little time and so much cover. To be a good lawyer, it’s…

They say the foundation has to be good for the building to stand on it. Like every school, law school has its own ups and down. Pursuing a law degree can seem to be the hardest time in your life since there’s so little time and so much cover. To be a good lawyer, it’s necessary for a student to know what actually matters in law school and what does not because a lot of things can become a hurdle in your success.  The first year of law school determines the coming years of law school and the first year decides if you are good to go or not. To excel in your first year at law school and to make it less stressful, there are a few things a student can follow such as

Study habits

To make sure that you are ahead of your schedule and caught up in all the work and reading material that are given to you in the class, it’s better to join study groups since they increase productivity and opens your mind for brainstorming. The first year of the law school requires constant revision so that you excel at that course. It’s all necessary to upgrade your study habits and try different approaches to studying so that you can learn faster and more efficiently.


All years of law school are about commitment but first-year determines if you are actually committed or not. The first year of law school shows what your priorities mean to you and how committed you are. Give all your time to your studies and be committed to the goals that you have made and try to efficiently reach them without giving up.

Extra circular activities and relationships

You should demonstrate being committed not in just studies but to also the extra circular activities. Extra circular activities like joining a debate team can later help you in life even after law school. You should join activities that are actually meaningful and you should work on doing them well. it’s also about being committed to strengthening your relationships in law school that can later help you in professional life since the same peers you are studying with can being your future partners and determine your reputation.

Time management

The first year of law school means numerous essays and assignments that are going to come your way and so less time to complete all of it. Studying last minute or just one day before the exam simply does not work in law school and chances are bad grades. The first year of law school acquires you to have a lot of concentration and double time management. It’s better to create studying schedules and goals at the end of each term so you stay ahead and score better at the time of the exams. You studying schedule should require you to at least study one course for 3 hours or a minimum of 2 hours so that you know what the first year of law is all about.

If you have a lot of assignment pending, it’s always a good idea to hire writing essay services such as that can help you write your essays and help you manage time efficiently.

Resources and materials

In order to excel in the first year, it’s important to stock on all the studying materials and resources that will help you for the whole year and also later years in life. To do well in your first year, you should also own a lawyers dictionary that has all the legal terms and definitions and can be very convenient for you throughout the whole year.


In all hustle of the beginning of the law school, students forget to take care of themselves. It is important for a student to maintain a good diet and to take a break once in a while since law school can be extremely difficult and sometimes it can tire you out. You can only study hard if you have good health and you are feeling mentally okay.


What your professors want matters the most in law school, keep track of all the work you have done and what your professors think about it. Keep asking for feedback and reviews since these things help you to improve. Taking feedback can also show the professor how committed you are to being a lawyer and can pose a good image in front of them in your first year.


Networking is extremely imperative and crucial in law school. A student should treat networking as a course in law school since meeting high-end lawyers and creating contacts help you to gain knowledge about becoming a good lawyer and can help you secure positions in good law firms.



Grades would not have mattered that much in the under grad school but in law school, its necessary to have high grades and be top of everything in your class since law firms mostly considers or go for lawyers that have extra ordinary good grades and are top of everything. Being in top law school is just the basic step. You should focus on your grades especially in your first year and try to be on top of the competition.


Discussed above are some of the tips and tricks that will help you to prepare for your first year at law school.

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