How Sex Can Improve Your Period & How to Do It Better

Does your period leave you doubled over with cramps and holed up in bed? Periods can be draining and painful, and the symptoms can’t always be controlled by medication. Luckily, there are other ways to address the pain and discomfort.

Exercise is a common one, releasing endorphins and boosting your energy levels. Diet is another: try foods rich in iron and Vitamin D to improve energy levels and fight fatigue. However, a lesser-known, but still highly-effective way to improve your period symptoms is sex. 

Here are the ways that physical intimacy can alleviate menstrual discomfort, improve your symptoms and lead to an easier, more comfortable period:

Sex shortens period length

Vaginal intercourse and orgasms encourage the uterine muscles to contract. Not only does this move blood through the vagina faster, but it also causes the uterus to shed its lining faster than it would on its own. Therefore, sex can naturally stimulate the brain and body to end menstruation and continue with the rest of your menstrual cycle.

Provides cramp relief

These uterine contractions are also what provide menstrual cramp relief. The muscle movement helps expel compounds in the uterus that cause cramping, effectively putting an end to cramps and preventing them from starting up again. Plus, orgasms release endorphins and oxytocin, feel-good hormones which can act as natural pain-relievers. They can also relieve headaches or muscle tension that often accompany periods.

If you’re still experiencing severe cramps, you can also try some natural remedies like dietary supplements or vitamins which can reduce tenderness, swelling, and cramps.

Improves mood

Similarly, these hormones can boost mood and energy levels, alleviating PMS symptoms, stress, or irritability. It can also strengthen your relationship with your partner and make you feel more comfortable in your body. The better you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally, the better your mood and overall outlook will be.

Tips for Intimacy on Your Period

Some women crave physical intimacy during their periods while others don’t. Just be sure to listen to your body: don’t force yourself to have sex if you’re not in the mood. But, if you’re ready to get down, keep these tips in mind for a comfortable experience:

Use these tips to enjoy menstrual symptom relief and maintain a healthy sex life. Above all, remember to listen to your body and use it as your guide to lifestyle changes.